Book questions
We use the term “body image” all the time, but what exactly does it mean?
Why did you decide to write books for tweens and teens about body image?
What are some things you want young readers (and the adults in their lives) to take away from The Body Image books?
Why does the book include “myths” about body image (and related) issues?
How are these books different from other books available for young people?
Why did you write a separate book for boys?
How are girls’ and boys’ concerns about their bodies and appearances similar and different?
How do parents influence their kids’ body images?
How can parents/ adults set a good example for kids when it comes to body image (and health more generally)?
How important is social media to kids’ body image? What should parents do about social media?
Personal questions
Do you have kids? If so, how do you talk with them about body image?
What inspired you to write these books?
What is your process like when writing these books?
Is it difficult to be a woman in this culture and feel good about your own body, much less try to help others feel good about theirs?